Friday, January 18, 2008

Void and anti-void

Void and Anti-void in artistic endeavor

quick list of explanations:

god – all life, all moments

void – complete emptiness with infinite possibility hidden

anti-void – complete fullness with infinite possibility shown

minimal art – spare and subtle art

maximal art – explicit art

All life, as does art, begins as void. And in life’s goal to become god, art’s goal is to become the anti-void. This has two meanings. First: spare and simple art becomes minimal and recalls the void; it is beautiful in its emptiness. There is such range of possibility and interpretation within its seeming lack of substance. This exposes the inverse relationship of artists and audience. The more simple, minimal art yields much power to the audience in terms of meaning and interpretation. The more complex an artwork in its design and implication, the more explicit an artist is about the meaning, or soul, of a work, the less maneuverability there is for an audience. This too is beautiful. All art, in the end, is beauty (and truth). So it is not a debate as to whether minimal art is superior to maximal. Both yield rewards. The difference is negligible in the face of the ultimate anti-void (as all life, every fragment and every largeness, composes the whole of god, all of art, minimal and maximal, composes the anti-void). Remember that we are already beyond the void. The void was the beginning of time, the beginning of anticipation and possibility. We may wish for the void, minimal art may intend to represent it, but we cannot have it. Already we lumber onward towards the ultimate anti-void, i.e. everything. Embracing art that is reminiscent of the void and art that presupposes the anti-void is to combine two halves of a whole. All art to compose god, all life to reveal everything. The second meaning of all this is that god is a story of everything, a painting of the entire universe, an ultimate work of art, all possibility and interpretation yielded at once. This final, anti-void art comes full circle in the eyes of an audience and becomes the void once more, a work containing all movement so that none remains, all interpretation so that none remains. All viewpoints, minimal and maximal, will be expressed and routed and revealed. The artist becomes the conduit of god, the audience the receiver. Void to anti-void to void once more. And life as to god and god as to life.

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